Can Sumoi
One of the top 100 wineries in the world
- Top 100 Wineries by Wine & Spirits, 2022 & 2023 -
We are proud to announce that Can Sumoi has once again been named as one of the top 100 wineries in the world, by the prestigious American magazine, Wine & Spirits.
This is the second consecutive year that we have been included in this exclusive list, in which very few wineries have the honour to appear, let alone repeat.
On this occasion, our wines La Rosa 2022 (96 points) and Xarel·lo 2022 (94 points) were the most valued by the wine tasting team of the publication, helping us to position on the global stage wines originating from the Penedès region and the varieties xarel·lo y sumoll.
A great achievement that we hope to repeat in future years!